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Relevant requirements for the fifth rights and interests proposal competition of Beijing University of Technology

Hits: 3895780 2020-04-26

Team building requirements
It is suggested that the group work together to complete the proposal and form a team of no more than 6 volunteers. Students from colleges and departments are encouraged to form a team to participate in the proposal, or to form a team across disciplines and colleges. The team across the competition area is subject to the competition area of the first sponsor. Allow individuals to compete. Please fill in the proposal solicitation form as required and submit the proposal as required. Each team can submit the proposal once.
Proposal description
Proposal subject
It is recommended to choose one of the directions provided below, or draw up your own direction. The proposal questions need to be verified by actual investigation. The proposal questions need to involve a wide range of people and are closely related to students' daily learning and life.
Proposal direction
1. Discipline and major construction (the development direction of this major, guarantee and research conditions, etc.), course introduction and setting of elective courses (new courses are carried out according to students' intention), examination information distribution (mid-term and final examination time and score announcement or examination certificate and examination level, such as computer level II and accounting certificate examination), etc.
2. Campus management, student safety, logistics support, public facilities, transportation planning, etc.
3. Infrastructure, book borrowing, bibliography updating and overall atmosphere of the library.
4. Infrastructure and food safety of canteen.
5. Management of student status files and household registration cards, etc.
6. school supermarket, shop, etc.
7. Suggestions on relevant systems of school hospitals, network centers and other departments.
The specific proposal is written in the following format:
1、 Background of the proposal (briefly describe the current situation of the problem)
2、 Detailed description of the proposal (including detailed description of the problem, preliminary investigation, etc., which shall be given in sections as far as possible)
3、 Suggestions and feasible solutions (given in sections, hierarchical and key)
4、 Significance of proposal (prospect, advantages, etc.)
Example of proposal: See Annex II
Proposal requirements
Please fill in the proposal solicitation form as required and attach the proposal to the proposal solicitation form (the proposal solicitation form and specific proposal are in a word file). Submit the proposal to each competition area according to the requirements of each competition area (cross competition area team formation shall be subject to the competition area of the first proponent). After the proposals are collected, all proposals will be sent to bitsuqy@163.com.
Proposal collection form of the 5th equity Proposal Competition (sample form)
Proposal example: proposal on improving lunch jam in North canteen of Liangxiang Campus
(click "read the original" to get the extraction code: oely)

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