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Introduction to 2021mem program of Beijing University of Technology

Hits: 3896821 2020-05-01

Introduction to 2021mem program of Beijing University of Technology
function _typeof(e){ return e&&"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&e.constructor===Symbol?"symbol":typeof e; } !function(e){ if("object"===("undefined"==typeof module?"undefined":_typeof(module)))module.exports=e;else{ if(window.__second_open__)return; Var T = "the master of Engineering in the field of project management engineering of Beijing University of technology requires solid theoretical basis and broad knowledge in project planning and evaluation technology, project financing mode and strategy, overall organization of project construction, project procurement and contract, project design and construction management, project team construction and incentive, familiar with the development process and current situation of project management at home and abroad Status and trend, can independently engage in project planning, project evaluation, project planning and monitoring, project financing, project procurement management, project contract management, etc. in some engineering fields. Good command of foreign language, able to read related documents smoothly and communicate orally and in writing. "; t?e(t, ! 0): e ("master of Engineering in project management engineering field of Beijing University of technology requires a solid theoretical foundation and broad knowledge in project planning and evaluation technology, project financing mode and strategy, overall organization of project construction, project procurement and contract, project design and construction management, project team construction and motivation, familiar with the development process of project management at home and abroad Current situation and trend, able to independently engage in project planning, project evaluation, project planning and monitoring, project financing, project procurement management, project contract management, etc. in some engineering fields. Good command of foreign language, able to read related documents smoothly and communicate orally and in writing. "); } }(function(e,t){ function a(e,t){ var a=e.match(new RegExp(t+"\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^\"'\\s>]+)[\"']?")); return a&&a[1]; } function n(e){ e=e.split(/(]*>)(.*?)()/); for(var t,n=0;ni.offsetHeight+1){ var e=document.getElementById("js_folder_text_switch"),t=parseFloat(getComputedStyle(o).fontSize,10); e.style.display="block", e.setAttribute("data-height",o.offsetHeight/(t||16)); } },300)); });

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