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Silane Safety Experience Summary

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Small silane leaks are not easily detected without the use of detectors

Small silane leaks can produce white or yellow sand and plug the leak

Silanes can be easily released without combustion, the likelihood increases with increasing pressure or decreasing pipe diameter

High-pressure release will liquefy part of the silane gas, resulting in the phenomenon of gas-liquid phase coexistence

Sudden interruption of gas flow or delay in flow rate during gas release can lead to combustion

Even in an open environment, a large amount of metastable silane-air mixture will accumulate, which is related to pressure and pore size

Obstructions to gas flow can build up large metastable gas mixtures

Gas mixtures that confine or confine metastable states lead to rapid reactions and explosive overpressure

Injection of silane in a development environment may produce combustion, but if in the presence of obstructions, a large amount of metastable gas mixture may accumulate

When opening the valve of the gas cylinder, you must be mentally prepared. Once you hear the sound of "bu", you should immediately close the valve and the valve end plug.

If silane catches fire in a gas cabinet, it will generally not harm nearby areas

Delayed combustion or explosion of silane in gas cabinets can cause great harm to nearby areas

When silane burns, the sprayed water is not suitable for extinguishing the fire, but more for cooling the container

After burning, it is sometimes necessary to remove a large amount of burning sand in order to close the valve

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