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Application characteristics of polyether defoamer

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In defoaming agent, there are many varieties, among them, polyether defoaming agent is a very important variety, it has a lot of characteristics, is a very good defoaming agent. It is a kind of improved new defoaming agent, which has been a focus of domestic related industries in recent years.

Polyether defoaming agent in the process of foam has a large expansion coefficient, and also has good solubility in water, can therefore was very prominent in the defoaming performance, at the same time, due to its to high temperature and strong alkali environment also can apply, makes its application range is very wide, is insufficient defoaming speed and inhibit time remains to be improved.

At present, some advanced technologies in the industry can graft polyether and modify polyether defoamer in blocks, so that the two different components can achieve a synergistic effect, so that its performance can be well played. This technology can make polyether defoaming agent of hydrophilic polyether segment to produce a special kind of emulsification, while on the surface tension of the hydrophobic chain to make some changes, make the surface tension is low enough, so affinity and solubility of defoaming agent in solution system can be reduced at the same time, the water-soluble instead get higher.

And modern defoaming agent manufacturers are using such a technology, polyether defoaming agent defoaming and anti-foaming performance has been greatly improved, and also give it some other excellent performance. After this technical improvement, the heat resistance and acid and alkali resistance of polyether defoamer have been significantly improved. At the same time, it also gets good electrical insulation and softness, will not cause any harm to the human body, in storage is also very convenient, no matter how long it can maintain good stability, so that in use can also get great convenience.

Polyether defoaming agent as a new powerful defoaming agent, it has a lot of characteristics, not only good defoaming performance, and only need a little can play a huge role, so in the production process can save dosage, so as to achieve the role of cost reduction. In addition, it does not affect any of the basic properties of the bubbling system when added to it and is very useful for system retention. At the same time, its internal surface tension is very low, and much lower than the foaming liquid phase, so as to ensure a good defoaming effect. These characteristics make polyether defoamer widely used.

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