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Application of organosilicon additive in agriculture

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Application of organosilicon additive in agriculture

In agricultural operation, it is necessary to use all kinds of pesticides. But when you buy pesticides, do you encounter this situation? No matter what pesticides you buy, the dealers will recommend organosilicon additives to you. What is the use of organosilicon? Let's have a comprehensive understanding of all about this organosilicon additive.

Let's first understand what organosilicon is:

Organosilicon, in a broad sense, refers to a compound containing Si-C bond, and at least one of which is a compound with organic group directly connected to silicon atom, which is called organosilicon compound. Farmers know these contents. The application of organosilicon in agriculture began to be commercial only in the 1980s. The extensive application of organosilicon has made great contribution to the elimination of toxicity and environmental pollution in agriculture. Why do you say that?

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