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The classification and structure of MQ silicon resin

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1. The meaning of MQ silicone
MQ silicone resin is siloxane, is composed of four functional siloxane condensation chain link (Q) and single functional siloxane chain link (M) of silicone resin, its molar mass is generally 1000-8000, molecular structure of M chain link and Q chain link quantity ratio and structure determine the nature of silicone and application range.

2. Classification of MQ silicone resin
MQ silicone resin has a number of different types due to the organic group R on the spherical shell:

When R is all methyl, it is called methyl MQ silicone or MQ silicone for short;
When part R is vinyl, it is called methyl vinyl MQ silicone;
When part R is H, it is called methyl hydrogen MQ silicone
There are methyl phenyl MQ silicone, vinyl MQ silicone, phenyl MQ silicone, fluorine MQ silicone, MDQ, MTQ silicone and so on.

3. Product Application:
1, surface treatment agent: such as silicone pressure sensitive adhesive, mobile phone button adhesive, epoxy adhesive surface bonding.
2, reinforcing filler: can be used for RTV adhesive, HTV adhesive, molding liquid silicone rubber, hot vulcanized rubber, semiconductor components of shell sealing, LED sealant manufacturing.
3, viscosifier: used for sealant, silicone paint.
4, other additives: such as preparation of defilm agent, defoaming agent, anti-stick agent and brightening agent, plus forming anti-stick agent stripping force regulator.
5, Used for pressure sensitive adhesive, mica tape adhesive, mica plate silicone synthesis.

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