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    Fumed silica is a very important and very effective additive in body care products, and adding a small amount can have a significant effect. Because there are many hydroxyl groups on the surface of fumed silica, the interaction between particles is relatively strong. In the liquid system, the highly dispersed fumed silica can easily interact in the system to form a three-dimensional network, which makes the viscosity of the system. Increase, it can effectively prevent the flow of the system when it is at rest, and when an appropriate shear force is applied, the three-dimensional network is destroyed, making the system have a liquid flow shape, and when the shear force is removed, the network can be re-formed , so that the system can form a "gel" again. Therefore, it can play thixotropic and thickening functions in gel-like or paste-like products such as toothpaste, sunscreen, facial mask, etc. The dosage is generally 1-3%, and some are as high as 4-8%. For example, in pearlescent nail polish or spray-type care products, fumed silica mainly plays a role in suspension, so that various components in it are evenly dispersed in the system, preventing sedimentation and increasing the storage stability of the system. In hair shampoo products, fumed silica also has a wide range of applications. For example, anti-dandruff shampoos contain some active ingredients such as selenium sulfide, salicylic acid, sulfur, zinc compounds, etc. Most of these ingredients need to be well dispersed and suspended in the system, which can be satisfied by adding fumed silica Require. Water-in-oil products generally have a greasy feeling. Adding fumed silica can reduce the greasy and sticky feeling. In oil-in-water products, fumed silica can improve the temperature and pH stability of the product. In sunscreen oil, adding surface-treated fumed silica can not only improve the texture, but also improve its water resistance, and the general dosage is 0.5-3%. Surface-treated fumed silica can improve the moisture resistance of pastes and gels, which is very beneficial for lipsticks, eyebrow oils, cosmetics, as well as whitening creams and sunscreens.

        Due to the relatively high specific surface area and strong surface polarity of fumed silica, in powder systems, the high adsorption of fumed silica can be used to prevent the agglomeration of the system. The particle size is relatively small. After being dispersed in the powder system, it covers the surface of the system particles. During the use process, it can play the role of internal lubrication and increase the fluidity of the system. For example, in toner powder, after adding fumed silica, it can absorb some moisture, so as to obtain a dry effect, and can effectively prevent agglomeration and improve fluidity. The dosage is generally 0.5 to 6%. In addition, using the high specific surface area, small particle size and high adsorption of fumed silica, it can be used to adsorb essences and be used in powdered cosmetics, and it can also control the release rate of essences. In addition, in powdered cosmetics, such as facial care products, antiperspirants, etc., fumed silica can absorb too much oil and water, and obtain good results.

        Due to the relatively high specific surface area and strong surface polarity of fumed silica, in powder systems, the high adsorption of fumed silica can be used to prevent the agglomeration of the system. The particle size is relatively small. After being dispersed in the powder system, it covers the surface of the system particles. During the use process, it can play the role of internal lubrication and increase the fluidity of the system. For example, in toner powder, after adding fumed silica, it can absorb some moisture, so as to obtain a dry effect, and can effectively prevent agglomeration and improve fluidity. The dosage is generally 0.5 to 6%. In addition, using the high specific surface area, small particle size and high adsorption of fumed silica, it can be used to adsorb essences and be used in powdered cosmetics, and it can also control the release rate of essences. In addition, in powdered cosmetics, such as facial care products, antiperspirants, etc., fumed silica can absorb too much oil and water, and obtain good results.

        At present, there are many kinds of products of foreign fumed silica production enterprises, all of which are developed into special products in different fields, and the products are very functional. With the improvement of the production level of fumed silica and people's understanding of fumed silica With the increase of fumed silica, the application of fumed silica in daily necessities will become more and more extensive.

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