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Three macro movements for ‘Spotlight On’ Area

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Three macro movements for ‘Spotlight On’ Area

BEAUTYSTREAMS, the Global Beauty Industry Reference, is pleased to present three macro movements for the ‘Spotlight On’ Area of the in-cosmetics Latin America 2018 edition, highlighting raw materials for the fragrance, hair care, personal care, and skin care sectors.


Raw materials that put safety first

As the sustainable trend moves into the mainstream, consumers start to question the impact of ‘natural’ products on their health. CLEAN BEAUTY is not only defined by the level of sustainability, but also whether a product is safe for the consumer or not.

Ingredient lists will need to be transparent and each ingredient will need to be justified. If certain ingredients cannot be safely replaced by naturals, most consumers will choose their own safety over a negative environmental impact.


Raw materials with visible, tangible, or fragrant effects

SENSORIALISM brings well-being moments to everyone’s home. While consumers spend more and more time in front of their screens, they are seeking real product experiences reconnecting them with their bodies. Tingling, warming, or cooling effects enhance the active benefits of products, while visible effect pigments used in skin care, personal care, and hair care add visual appeal to products. Scents add another dimension to the product experience for a truly 360° sensorial experience.


Raw materials with quick and potent results

With increasingly product-savvy consumers, innovation and quality become more important than ever. HYPERFORMANCE highlights raw materials with powerful efficacy and premium claims. Consumers are looking for high-performance products with almost instant effects like filling, plumping, anti-aging, glow, etc. It’s no longer about marketing promise – today’s time-poor consumers want immediate and effective solutions.

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