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silicone release agent

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1, silicone release agent:
Silicone release agent is made of organic siloxane as raw materials, its advantages are good heat resistance, moderate surface tension, easy to uniform isolation film, release life long non-toxic, good luster, and resin affinity, and widely used in plastic, rubber and other occasions.

2, the classification of silicone release agent:
Classification by product composition and form
(1) Organosilane and its solution:
The release agent base material is organochlorosilane or organoalkoxy silane. The direct use of organosilane as release agent has certain limitations, in which organochlorosilane absorbs water in the air during the film forming process, and the released hydrogen chloride is corrosive, so it is only suitable for glass, pottery solution porcelain and other corrosion resistant molds.
(2) Silicone oil and its solution and ointment:
Release agent substrate for methyl silicone oil, methyl phenyl silicone oil and a variety of modified silicone oil and other inert linear polymer organosilicone polymer. The usually used silicone oil release agent is a silicone oil solution prepared by adding toluene, gasoline and other organic solvents with silicone oil as the main component.
Semi-solid paste release agent can be prepared by mixing silica black, diatomite, mica powder and other solid components with silicone oil.
(3) Silicone rubber and its solution:
Liquid silicone rubber can be directly used as release agent, but it is more used to prepare silicone rubber solution with organic solvent, and then with crosslinking agent, catalyst and other auxiliary components, coated on the surface of the mold to form a phobic silicone rubber working film.
(4) Silicone resin and its solution:
The base material of release agent is silicone polymer which can be crosslinked and curable, such as methyl silicone resin and methyl phenyl silicone resin. Usually, the above silicone resin is dissolved in ethanol, toluene, gasoline and other organic solvents to prepare a silicone solution. The release agent is coated on the surface of the mold by spraying or dipping technology, and then the silicone resin is cured into a working film by heating and other ways.
(5) Silicone emulsion:
Silicone oil or silicone resin as the main component, then add emulsifier, water and so on to prepare emulsion. The water emulsion coated on the surface of the mold is used to form a release agent working film after the moisture evaporates.
(6) Silicone aerosol:
Silicone oil as the main component, with freon, butane and other ejector, mixed packaged in a sealed container, when coated in release agent, the ejector with the release agent main components sprayed on the surface of the mold, the ejector quickly volatilized, residue form release agent working film.

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